Really unnecessary and useless low quality content. You are just touting what the Western media is touting, unfortunately, Japan is easy to eat the Western pill. Fortunately though, it has taken much longer due to Japan's strong and deep traditions. Rei, I urge you to leave Japan every once in a while and stop just copying the crap in the media. DEI, is the biggest scam on earth, even McKinsey (the very company that started it) has published latest studies how DEI leads to 0% performance improvements. 0. Nada. Any benefits you gain from creativity and new ideas due to diversity, are lost again in miscommunication, not being able to read the air and cultural gaps in behavior and communication, so the net effect is 0. Also, women coming in to the work force has been the biggest scam of the century. After WW2 re-building growth, governments started an entire campaign to brainwash women into going to work to boost economic growth even further and eek out every last bit of GDP growth. Now you see the result: Women have never been as depressed, anxious, miserable, than now. There are no kids. Women are empowered and entitled and seek to marry up, but there are no more men in the "high-value" pool. What you are pushing is quite figuratively the dismantling of society and humanity. It doesn't do no one good. And mind you: we have equality now, women can work (actually they are treated preferentially at EVERY JOB INTERVIEW), so for the few outlier women that want to have a career instead of a family, the opportunity is there, but stop pushing this shit onto the other 95% of women who want kids and a family. Oh, but that doesn't work anymore because our economy has gotten so squeezed and slow that you can only survive with double income, so women are not actually voluntarily working anymore, but forced to do so. What you have achieved is the opposite of women empowerment, now they are also, like the men, enslaved to go to work, just to make means end - all while there standard of living has not increased. Back in the day you had a man work and provide for the whole family, 3 kids, dog, car, house. All. So stop fooling yourself and wake up. But I can see why you are so misguided, look at Sweden, the clown of Europe, completely destroyed their own country. I think you are in no position to put out a blog with info on this. Focus on stock investing and not fugazi gender inequality. You have 0 alpha to provide in this space. 0. Mind you, I am a woman. I am European and have lived in Japan for 10 years. I talk to lots of women as I have graduated from top MBA program from the M7. Many of my former cohort's women changed their views in their mid 30s. There is the odd outlier that becomes a CEO or higher management, but naturally not many. Most want that husband and the family and prefer the nurturing work over the salaryman work. Why do you try to change nature? My two boys started pointing at cars before they have ever had exposure to any conditioning, it's innate, not conditioned. My girls couldn't care less about cars or moving trains. Wake up.

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Thank you for your comment. This podcast was actually released as an article over a year ago, so this is definitely not a new argument for me. I appreciate your perspective and would like to clarify that my stance has always been that Japan could benefit from policies that make it easier for women to work and still have a family. However, I am very aware that Japan should not simply copy the Western approach but instead find its own path to a more equitable society.

Regarding your points, I believe that advocating for women's participation in the workforce, especially in sectors like tech, is crucial for Japan's future growth. It is not about copying Western policies blindly but about creating an environment where all citizens can contribute meaningfully to society.

Here’s an excerpt from the original article that addresses your concerns:

"For women, especially in the tech industry, a vital sector for Japan's future growth, schools must promote gender equality. By integrating curricula that emphasize gender equality and the strength of diversity, Japan will forge future generations to be politically active and passionate advocates for real societal change."

In closing, Japan needs a drastic overhaul of its approach to gender equality if it wishes to remain a global powerhouse. The benefits of such a change are clear - a more robust economy, a more diverse and innovative society, and a brighter future for all its citizens.

Honestly though, thank you for taking the time to comment. I really like these deeper criticisms of my opinions and it helps me improve my own stances and views!

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You don't have to be ridiculously woke to realize there are huge gender inequality issues, including in Japan. (I lived there.) You criticize Rei's article as extreme. But you've just countered with an extreme response yourself. Your reactionary "back in the day" choices were so much better for women is absurd.

And, Andrew, you're a woman as you claim?

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Not again with this woke, western propaganda garbage 🤦‍♂️

Stop pushing for this stuff that is wrecking the West and focus on stock analysis. Nobody likes a shill

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It's important to cover this stuff for people looking for good stocks too. Just look at Fujitsu's massive failure in the laptop game— With that said, I'm not saying that the west is going the right way, but rather Japan need to find it's own way to create a more equitable society. And don't worry, stock analysis is still the focus. Appreciate your continued support!

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